Treat Yo Self


Yesterday, I treated myself. Why? Because the day started out bad…like trying to walk down a hill but the road is made out of banana peels kind of bad. (I’m picturing that image as a cartoon now and I can’t stop laughing). Some highlights of my day include:

  1. Waking up to read a stress-inducing email from my father (tip: don’t check your email or go on social media when you first wake up or else you’ll brush your teeth so aggressively that you almost knock a tooth out).
  2. Concluding that I have zero talent because I was having an off day in dance class.
  3. Ugly crying in the bathroom…and then again when a friend asked if I was okay.
  4. Almost getting hit by a golf cart on my way to Starbucks.

I felt like I was falling apart the whole day. So much that it reminded me of how I was over the summer, back when I lost myself. I got scared; scared that I was falling back into that hole again and would have to climb my way out from the bottom.

I got home around 5 pm after I was finally done with classes. I thought I would feel better but my mood stayed the same, and my body started to reflect that. A headache started coming on and my appetite went away for a while. I started to accept defeat…but accepting that the day wasn’t going to pick up actually helped me a lot.

I told myself that tomorrow would be a new day. That my current state didn’t have to carry over to tomorrow or through the week. I acknowledged that I wasn’t going to feel any better before the day was over. So, I decided to treat myself.

Image result for treat yo self


I put off all the work that I needed to do and got in bed. For the rest of the night, I just watched shows on Netflix to calm myself down. I put my phone on silent, didn’t talk to anyone, and pushed all homework and other tasks out of my mind. I just let myself have the night. I realized how important it is to take care of yourself. That some days are just going to knock you down…and that it’s okay to stay down for a bit as long as you get up the next morning believing that yesterday is now behind you.

So, the next time you’re struggling to get through the day and you feel yourself falling…TREAT YO SELF. Watch a favorite show, watch a new one, read, eat something deliciously sinful, talk to a friend, maybe don’t talk to anyone, be lazy, sleep it off, do whatever you need to do to make it through the day.

And then wake up feeling like you are made of power, determination, and courage.


How do you treat yo self?

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I might have mentioned this before, but this blog started because it was a project for my Social Media Marketing class at Radford University. This is technically my last required post for the semester, but I’m going to continue this blog after I graduate. So, there may be a short hiatus while I prepare for graduation (maybe two weeks), but I’ll be back at it again.

Also, if you’re curious about what shows I’ve been watching:

  • Parks and Rec (rewatching for the 400th time now)
  • Sword Art Online (rewatching the first arc again cause why not)
  • Fullmetal Alchemist (only a few episodes in but I’m enjoying it so far)


~ Tori

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